Wednesday, September 3, 2008

CORE SERVICES: Economic Srengthening

Economic strengthening services

These services aim at enabling families to meet their own needs economically, in spite of changes in the family situation due to HIV/AIDS and the other factors that cause vulnerability in children. Depending on the context, services include:
1) child/caregiver/family level:
Caregivers are encouraged to form group to initiate income-generating activities involving small business, Agriculture, and ge
2) Community level:
Community-based child care,
Community Based Program for Orphaned and Vulnerable Children
HCI-Kenya works with the caregivers to build family capacity to support orphaned and vulnerable children (OVCs). We support orphaned and vulnerable children who are community based. We support these children by providing them with Educational support which consists of School uniform and tuition fees whenever needed, nutritional supplements which is basically some food for the family, A mosquito net for the prevention of Malaria, a lantern since most of them do not have electricity in their houses for studying and a Blanket to keep warm. Our field workers monitor these children monthly both at home and in school and also conduct trainings for their caregivers to ensure that they are safe and growing up in a safe environment. We also seek to link them with sponsors that will continue supporting their education and growth.

Community-based asset building to Access to credit;

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